Easy Asset Creator


Making editor tools for creating and placing assets is a tedious and time-consuming process and requires a ridiculous amount of C++ to set up and multiple modules.

Easy Asset Creator makes it easy to create tools for your assets, and all of it can be managed inside the editor with no requirements for any C++ or editor restarts.

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Asset Action

The Asset Action (AC) class is the core of Easy Asset Creator. It adds all the editor functionality to your class.

The AC's fragment system allows for many different editor functionalities and makes it easy to add new ones.

Like fragments that will add the asset to different menus such as "Create Advanced Asset," "Place Actors," and much more. All within the editor using the fragments system.

Create Advanced Asset Menu

Make your categories in the Create Advanced Asset menu and add any class to it, supports both C++ and BP classes.

The plugin also supports adding sub-menus to your categories as seen in the image below.

Place Actors Menu

Make your categories in the Place Actors menu and add any class. Supports both C++ and BP classes.

Content Browser Drag Drop Support

Drag any of your assets into the viewport from the content browser. Works with any assets that derive from UObject.

Add the drag drop support fragment to the Asset Action

Add custom functionality to what will happen when the asset has been dragged into the viewport.

In the example below, we drag a quest into the viewport, spawn a quest start trigger actor, and then add the quest class to that quest trigger.